From 3th to 28th October 2018 at Rome in Italy there is the 15th ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS on the topic : Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment
Please find enclosed the homily of Pope Francis during the opening Mass of the Synod of Bishops
The ‘INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS’ or the working document of the upcoming Synod of Bishops on youth, scheduled from October 3-28 in the Vatican, has three main sections, namely, recognizing, interpreting and choosing with regard to vocation in life
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His Excellency Bishop Servillien NZAKAMWITA, in charge the Rwanda Episcopal commission for the Youth Pastoral, is among the participants of the Synod
Posted by Father Dieudonné UWAMAHORO
Father in charge of the Diocesan Commission for Communication and Cultural Activities.

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